Sunday, June 22, 2008

The vegetable garden

Well after our visit to Piermont yesterday I came home and spent part of the night thinking about our yard and all that needs to be done.
30 years of landscaping and gardening to our original yard was wiped out by a bulldozer in ten minuets. Not being able to do any real yard work for the past year due to construction and the regrading of our property had caused me to loose interest in our yard. I actually have felt overwhelmed.
This morning I woke up and thought might as well get started and broke out the weed whacker. Bill came out doors and asked if I would like the vegetable garden rototilled. Of course I said yes. Well we got everything set up started to work and along came a Hugh thunderstorm. Work stopped we went in the house and are now messing with computers and thinking maybe next weekend.


crowldawg said...

Go to your friend the farmer, And get some tomatoes that ripen in around 90 days you will be getting tons in Sept and October .Plant everything you normally would except peppers and you will have a lovely fall garden ,Try some winter squash ,cabbage ,things like that .Latham is still planting tomatoes by me those will be the ones he sells by the bushel at the end of the season

crowldawg said...

Do you have any other nieces, nephews or friends that would like to spend the summer at my house and help with the gardening and general upkeep until I get my back fixed .I'm falling literally and figuratively way behind
Does any one want to be an Au pair(sp) for a crippled 60 yr old .I wont grope too much .lol

Syd said...

Billy said he'll come out for a weekend and give you a hand. I'll also come and Maryjo said that's shes in. (Catch were not coming unless you have a list of out door chores and we get to go to the Hellenic for gyro's and lemonade.)

How about this coming weekend?

crowldawg said...

Graduation weekend not good .Colin's son graduates on sunday You remember Kenny?
Dexie has a big birthday bash today
I'm going fishing tomorrow .I hope the back holds up to the thrashing I'm going to give those fish.
Where are the picture of the planted veggies