Thursday, June 5, 2008


Somewhere in this photo there is a republican. Can you spot that person? If so list your guess below. All correct guesses are entitled to an extra vote next November. You will need an additional vote ticket to do this and I have them locked up in the safe. I'll contact you if your correct.


Caitlin & Anna said...

It's Lenny!!

nellie said...

of course it's Lenny as he shamefully peeks his head out from behind larry. who is favorite son-in-law now!

Uncle Len said...

If becoming a liberal is what it takes to be "favorite son in law" then Larry--- Honor is all yours.. Shamefully peeking my head... I don't want any of my republican friends seeing me hang out with so many democrats..

Uncle Len said...

BTW- Mom and Melanie- YOu both look awesome!!!!

crowldawg said...

Very demo, no, diplomatic of you Len