The doors are always open and a lot of interesting people pass through. Some for a day or two, some for a week and some until it's time for an other adventure.
MaryJo has been complaining about the bigger grandsons using the twins swing. Today we installed a swing for the older boys and Golden stopped over to perform it's christening.
My nephew Bill moved back east from the wonderful State of Washington and has been staying with us while he resettled. Well this past week everything has come together for him and he's moved out and is about to start a new adventure. Good Luck Bill. And thank you for all of the fantastic meals you made us over the past year. We love you and are going to miss you.
I now have enough Grandsons to man a Basketball team. We are now shooting for a seven man touch football team and eventuality a nine man baseball team.
This Spring has keep us very busy in the yard. We have dumped at least 9 yards of manure in and around the garden. We have planted 9 fruit trees. Melanie has started installing a new out door fire place and I have finished Mary Jo's long awaited DULCE DOMUM greeting sign for our home.
I haven't officially been told but rumors have it that my nephew Marco is moving. Marco relocated from The State of Michigan to start a new life on the East Coast and has been staying with me while he got his feet planted. It has been enjoyable watching a young person move to a new location, seek and find employment, meet and make new friends, become self confident. Marco has always conducted himself as a perfect gentleman a loyal relative. Marco I'm going to miss you.